Learn How To Unlock Windows Computer from Android or iPhone: How to unlock your computer with the help of your android smartphone, you will need a Rohos Logon Key software installed both on your Android and Computer to gain access you computer.
There is numerous article on the internet concerning how to secure your PC while you are not at the computer, Some of use even try to search that is there any procedure to unlock your PC with the help of the smartphone? But let’I tell you there is an easy method out there by which you can easily Unlock your computer with the help of your Android smartphone.
How To Unlock Windows Computer from Android or iPhone
With this method you need your smartphone to unlock your computer after logging in into your windows login screen and for that you have to connect your smartphone with your PC to identify the right authentication to PC to unlock it. So read out the below steps proceed.
It is possible to access your computer without the login screen. And the process I am going to share today might be the coolest one because it was a two-step authentication process in which some extra security divisions are coming forward to preserve your computer. And the big part is that it was an easy process.
Steps To Unlock Window Computer from Smartphone:
You need a Software Named Rohos Logon Key installed in you computer as well as Smartphone to unlock your computer with the help of Smartphone. Let me tell you Rohos was the third-party tool but it was safe as many professionals trying this software to unlock computer with the help of their smartphone. So here is the process.
1. First of you need to download the Rohos Logon Key Software in your device which you want to pair out with smartphone.
2. Now launch the program in your windows and you will see screen like below.
3. Now there click on Options there and set the settings as shown on the screenshot below. 4. After selecting all the options click on ok. 5. Now select the setup a key there and the select the QR code method to verify your key there.
6. Now download the mobile app from the above link and scan the QR code from that app displaying on the screen and your mobile will detect your PC. 7. Thats it you are done now your pc is authenticated with your smart device and every time after unlocking from windows screen you will need your smart device to unlock the second authentication process.
So above we have discussed about Unlock Window Computer from Android/iPhone Smartphone, this is a very cool way to secure your computer as if someone get to know your login password you computer will not get open until it get the security key that is your smartphone that will be always with you. Hope you like our work, do share our cool stuff with others too. leave a comment below if you have any related queries.
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