
Friday, February 21, 2014

How to learn to type on a computer / laptop using 10 fingers

The steps are as follows:

A. The Left Hand
  • Little finger pressing the letter A, Q, Z, Figures 1 and Shift keys, the Tab, Caps Lock
  • Sweet finger pressing the letter W, S, X and Figures 2 
  • Middle finger pressing the letter letters E, D, C and Figures 3 
  • Finger finger pressing the letter R, F, T, V, G, B, Y and Figures 4, 5, 6 
  • Thumb or thumb to press the Alt key and Space

B. The Right Hand
  • Finger finger pressing the letter Y, U, H, J, B, N, M and Figures 6, 7
  • Middle finger to press the letter I, K, commas and figure 8 
  • Sweet finger pressing the letter L, O signs point and figure 9 
  • Little finger pressing the letter P, semicolon and slash 
  • Thumb or thumb to press the Alt key and Space

So that we can be memorized through our fingers are Should type in the letters and numbers above or repeated as often as possible in order to get used to using your fingers according to the alphabet.

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